The Joy of Experimentation

Thought leaders can come from anywhere, across any number of different industries, professions or initiatives. What sets a thought leader apart from being just a successful businessperson or a known expert is often their ongoing curiosity, combined with the drive to explore it to its edges.

People often stumble into thought leadership because they want to leverage their ideas and their passion for the work that they do. But here’s the thing – thought leadership isn’t a switch that you flip on and off. Instead, think of it as an approach to guide your constantly evolving journey. To set out on this quest (and to dig out the gold you’ll use along the way), don’t underestimate the value and the joy of experimenting with your ideas.

Give yourself the space to be creative

Thought leadership requires dedication, consistency, and confronting the sometimes unglamourous admin required to get your ideas beyond their foggy, dream-like stage. But it’s important not to let yourself get too bogged down with tasks. Don’t forget to give yourself time to explore your thinking.

Your thought leadership journey, after all, isn’t worth anything without that foundational layer of good thinking and strong ideas. Remember that thinking and refining isn’t always a passive task.

That’s why you need to give yourself space. Space to think deeper, beyond just the day-to-day logistics of your work. Space to analyse your practice on a regular basis, to dissect at a bird’s eye view what works and what doesn’t work within the system you’re trying to build. Set aside time for thinking and exploration, and it’ll always pay off.

Prioritise process over outcome

Trying something new is always going to carry a layer of uncertainty. No truly innovative idea is risk-free or airtight. Where so many potential thought leaders end up falling short is mistaking commitment for perfection. Don’t discredit the value and the enjoyment of pursuing a new idea – no matter what the outcome.

Experiments, whether or not they lead to viable, sustainable change or solution, are almost always worth the journey. Maybe you’re the type to wake up in a cold sweat with your million-dollar idea. But that kind of inspiration is hardly a stroke of luck. Those moments are built on experience, and thorough knowledge of the problems you’re trying to solve.

In our own thought leadership journey, we’ve developed several different models and tactics for helping clients build their story and unpack their ideas – and not every one of them has worked out. However, they are the building blocks of the framework that we trust and use today.

Failing isn’t so much a factor when it comes to thought leadership. Instead, think of those dead ends as just more roads in your web of growing influence and experience.

Push beyond “comfortable”

If you’re feeling comfortable in every way, then you’re probably holding back. Comfort often exists within the status quo, and most thought leaders intend on carving paths that divert from the status quo.

That doesn’t mean you start walking blindly into new terrain, or blow your budget on risky ideas. Instead, it’s about giving yourself permission to experiment, and consistently pushing yourself to venture out into uncharted territory.

Sometimes, you’ll strike on a goldmine. Other times, you’ll come back empty handed, but with a better map to start your next adventure.

Keen to start experimenting with thought leadership? Follow us on LinkedIn or sign up for our regular #intelligentthink emails for more ideas