
Customer Radar
Known for: Helping businesses grow, one happy customer at a time

Already a reputable industry leader with datasets from customer feedback that are unparalleled in Australasia, Customer Radar came to Intelligent Ink in 2013 to continue to build their profile.


Customer Radar’s technology already allows companies to access customer feedback on a regular basis, but they wanted us to help them to take their reputation and expertise to the next level. For them, getting their stories out into the world, establishing them as thought leaders and, in the process, creating leads, enquiries and further interest in their brand were the keys to taking the business to the next step.


One of our initial approaches was to educate businesses in relevant sectors about the benefits of capturing real-time customer feedback, while establishing Customer Radar’s CEO and Founder, Mat Wylie, as a thought leader in the customer service field, in order to increase both interest in, and awareness of, the organisation and its services.


We devised an approach that focused communication activities on four core quarterly themes, which educated people on how their business could benefit from Customer Radar in a useful and informative way, while establishing them as the authority on these issues. These also helped give the campaign a strong overall direction, and allowed us to gain traction with these key messages across a wide range of different media and channels.


We also set out to establish and cement a relationship between Customer Radar and a publication that would support regular content from them, in order to further position Mat, and, in turn, the company, as an industry leader and the ‘go to guy’ for these topics.


Intelligent Ink negotiated these arrangements on behalf of Customer Radar, and secured a regular column in NZ Business – a win/win deal for NZ Business, who consistently get valuable, well-written content, and Customer Radar, who have a consistent channel through which to share their expertise and get in front of business owners.


Intelligent Ink’s work has ensured regular and consistent editorial coverage for Customer Radar, which thereby achieved the goal of increasing their reputation and profile within the New Zealand media. The articles we have written on behalf of the business have been featured in many of New Zealand’s most prominent business and marketing magazines, including NZ Marketing, Restaurant and Catering News, NZ Retail Magazine, Pharmacy Today, Supermarket News, and the aforementioned NZ Business.


Furthermore, Customer Radar has appeared in several national and community newspapers, including the New Zealand Herald. Mat has also been interviewed on TV ONE’s Breakfast, reflecting his well-established position as an industry leader and expert.


Intelligent Ink ensures that Customer Radar has a dependable and consistent voice across a number of platforms that works on both a proactive and reactive basis. This ensures that every opportunity is taken advantage in a way that achieves maximum effect and benefit. The result? A bigger business with a reputation for expertise and providing customer value.