New Inkers

Rather than industry events or commentary, this week’s blog post is a vessel for news and excitement. Over the past few weeks, the Intelligent Ink clan has expanded – in more ways than one…

Many of our clients and followers will be aware that our director par excellence, Christina Wedgwood, had recently stepped back to go on maternity leave. We’re absolutely delighted to announce that she had her little boy – and little Levi John Wedgwood is delighting Christina and Logan every day.

We’ve also welcomed two new Inkers to our team of storytellers and word-wranglers – Briar H and Emily. Both are joining us on the PR side of the business, and they bring with them two distinctive backgrounds that we’ve relished in adding to our mix of Inky goodness.

Briar H – new PR & People Person – comes to us from the world of reporting and journalism, and we’re really excited to have that perspective added to our superstar line-up of talents. And Emily – Project, PR & People Person extraordinaire – has a marketing background, and we’re equally pumped up to add that particular expertise to the Intelligent Ink family too.

We decided to get a little bit of insight into what drew each of them to us – and what’s getting them fired up now that they are here.


I was drawn to Intelligent Ink and the role because I craved a role that would incorporate account management with creativity. With every experience I have learnt more about myself, what I enjoy and what I am good at.

The role of Project, PR & People Person ticked all my boxes for this stage of my life. When I learnt more about Intelligent Ink, I was drawn to the close knit team and to the opportunities to work with both businesses and not-for-profits. It’s always been my dream to bridge the gap between businesses and communities and working for Intelligent Ink allows me to do that.

I’m most excited about the challenges that lie ahead. I’m looking forward to being able to work on a number of different clients and learn from all the interesting and knowledgeable people I have contact with on a daily basis.

Briar H:

Well, here I was, cruising through my Insta feed, when an advertisement popped up saying that Intelligent Ink was looking for a PR person. It was an epic photo, so I clicked on it, expecting you guys to be based in Aussie. BUT YOU WEREN’T.

Pretty quickly, I realised Intelligent Ink was where I wanted – needed – to be. So I frantically booted up the computer, and trawled through the website, soaking in all the amazing things I was seeing. The gorgeous office space, mentions of Pic’s Peanut Butter and (most of all) the awesome, creative people had me unbelievably excited!

I realised that you guys were my tribe! You were all lovers of reading and writing, and the utmost perfectionists. I felt that I was already an Inker, I just needed to meet you guys and prove it.

And here I am, absolutely loving the people, the writing and the peanut butter. Oh and the tea station, the large amount of coffee being consumed, the pretty office, the excellent use of slippers…. I could go on forever!

So, between our new team of kickass women of words, and the new arrival in Wedgwood land, we’ve had the most eventful May since Intelligent Ink records began, really. And we’re charged and ready to take on everything that the future throws our way! Bring on winter – we’re ready for you!