What you can expect from Intelligent Ink this year
Most of you will have heard the news by now that there’s a little Ink Blot on the way. While Christina and Logan’s worlds are likely to be immeasurably changed come June, we wanted to let you know that this needn’t be the case for the rest of us – or you!
At this stage, and pending wee Wedgwood’s co-operation, Christina will be working up until late May before she goes on maternity leave. This doesn’t take her far away from her due date, so we’re expecting some inevitable ‘slowing down’ and watching with interest to see how she manages to navigate our stairs in those last weeks. We’re letting her feel her way from that point, but we imagine we might get her back part-time for selected projects in the last quarter of 2016.
From our point of view, it will all be business as usual, and Verity is stepping up to assume the role of General Manager from April onwards. In this role, she will be responsible for guiding Intelligent Ink towards our vision of cultivating an environment of limitless potential for ourselves and those around us.
So what exactly does that mean for you? Well, Verity and the rest of the Inkers will be continuing to focus on improving everything that we do so as to work with all of you better, which means you can expect even stronger relationships and better processes – all resulting in even greater work!
In addition, Verity will be responsible for sales and has full authority when it comes to pricing etc., so she’s an excellent first port of call if you would like to explore the opportunity of working with Intelligent Ink.
Because Verity has been largely acting in this capacity for the last 12 months, you’ll discover that very little will actually change, but we thought it worth the reminder that she will be your ‘go-to’ with any issues, questions or concerns. Verity can be contacted via verity@intelligentink.co.nz, on the main line number (09 629 4213) or via mobile (021 123 5117).
The Inker that you work most closely with will still be able to manage all of your day-to-day requirements, but should you want to talk to Verity directly, please don’t hesitate. She will be across all of Intelligent Ink’s operations, and is familiar even with the clients that she hasn’t previously worked with. Many of you that haven’t already met her will also have an opportunity to do so in the next few months.
So that’s what happening at Intelligent Ink headquarters – lots of changes, but a continued focus on telling stories, creating meaningful content, forging new ideas and connecting brands with their people. We can’t wait to share this exciting next phase of our journey with you!